MLA Format Essay


MLA Format Essay

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MLA Format Essay Sample

Closest to the general tradition of modern science is the work of Antoine de Saint Exupéry, aviator by profession, but a well-qualified mathematician and physicist and a writer of considerable ability. Apart from his novels about commercial and wartime aviation and two fantasy parables ( Le Petit Prince and Citadelle), Terre des Hommes, whose text and title were both inadequately rendered into English as Wind, Sand and Stars, exhibits a close contact with science. The message of the book is a protest against war and a eulogy of humanity in man. With a background of geology, astronomy, and meteorology, Saint Exupéry presents the human struggle for knowledge and security against the powers of the natural world; with an anthropologist's understanding of tools and techniques, he compares the airplane and the plough, the flyer and the shepherd, and evaluates the long process by which the tool, even when it is as complicated as an airplane, comes to be taken for granted and used with the simple directness of an Indian's paddle. Creation for Saint Exupéry, whether of a perfect airfoil or the B minor Mass, is all one; it is the chief end of man, and a civilization that stamps out human beings in series and deprives millions of individuals of an opportunity of creative growth is a hideous mistake. This fruitful and comprehending book is perhaps a key to all his work; it is at any rate one of the sharpest indictments of an era in which science was allowed most unscientifically to destroy humanity in large areas of the civilized world, and with it science itself.

Saint Exupéry speaks for an age, for men like André Gide and Malraux, for Paul Valéry, and countless others. His goal, like theirs, was to establish an idea of man, to solve the most important problem in contemporary thought, to discuss what man is in the light of present knowledge of the universe, its magnitude, composition, structure, duration, and changing states. The urgency behind this question has been imposed by science more than by any other branch of human activity; and the need of discovering a sound and generally acceptable answer, in the light of all the data, was never so pressing. Saint Exupéry, like most of these men, would agree that the basis for an answer must involve not only communication among all men but also understanding and agreement, and the subordination of attitudes and loyalties that impede agreement.

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