English Literature Dissertation


English Literature Dissertation: Great Opportunity, Great Challenge!

Probably, you have read a great number of different world literature works – novels, stories, poems, plays, ballads and many others. You have read some of them for your pleasure and you have studied others thoroughly in order to write an assignment essay, a term paper or a research paper in literature. But when speaking about an English literature dissertation we should mind both attentive reading and deep studying of a literary work and its author.

Frankly speaking, writing of an English literature dissertation is a great opportunity for you to enlarge your outlook and find out some unknown facts about one or another work of the English literature. But it is also the greatest challenge you have ever faced.

Writing English Literature Dissertations

What should such dissertations research? This is the question you should make clear for you when you are going to start working at your English literature dissertation. This article is called to help you make head or tail of the issue.

  1. You English literature dissertation like any other dissertation paper should focus on a certain research subject. In your case it is a work of the English literature or an English author who lived and worked several years ago or is a contemporary of you.
  2. Your English literature dissertation should have a clear topic representing what issue your research is devoted to.
  3. You should define one or several research questions within your topic that you would like to emphasize on when making your research.

Thus, you may see that the task of an English literature dissertation is not so simple. It may be defined as the research of a certain issue related to the English literature. However, you have to investigate not a separate issue. You should focus on specific points of this issue considering them in the context of the whole knowledge about the subject that your English literature dissertation is devoted to.

English Literature Dissertation Topic

So, what exactly should you choose for your investigation? In what way should you make this choice? Making your decision is the first challenge you face when getting down to your work.

Remember: your interest should be the main indicator for you.

  1. Define what author or what literary work arouses your interest.
  2. Point out an issue that is actual and will catch the interest of your audience.

Writing of an English literature dissertation is a great challenge. But if you prepare for this task properly, it will not possess any difficulties for you.

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