APA Format for Research Papers


APA Format for Research Papers

When students have to deal with Psychology or exact sciences, APA format for research papers is used. So, those who are going to become experts in one of these areas should know what APA format for research papers means. When talking about APA format for research papers, one should mention about the origin of this abbreviation. Actually, APA stands for American Psychological Association that adopted the rules for citing and making references within academic institutions.

Using APA format for research papers means to cite sources and make references according to certain rules. If you look into the Manual for Writing Research Papers in APA Style, you will find an overwhelming number of the rules of APA format for research papers. In our article, the most essential rules of APA format for research papers are gathered and summarized briefly. So, take them into consideration.

  • The research paper should be typed on a white 8.5?11 paper;
  • Use any legible font from 10 to 12 point. The following fonts are quite acceptable according to APA format for research papers: Times New Roman, New York, Courier New, Arial, Tahoma, Palatino, etc.
  • Start writing the footnotes with the page where they are cited. The size of the footnotes should be smaller than the size of the font used in the text. Single space if a footnote is individual and double space between the entries. Renumber all the footnotes starting with Arabic number 1.
  • Double space throughout the text. Also, use double space before and after centered headings. Before and after the figures included into your research paper, you should triple space.
  • According to APA format for research papers, any table, scheme, or other figure should be signed with a certain number. These numbers should be arranged in a chronological order starting with no.1. If any tables or figures are taken from some source directly, this source should be cited below the table/figure.
  • According to APA format for research papers, references should be alphabetized by the names of authors. If you used any anonymous books, they should be alphabetized by their titles.

If you still need more information on how to use APA format for research papers, we advise you visit the following website: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ . Here, you can find a guide to using both MLA and APA format for research papers.

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