Help with Photosynthesis Coursework Writing


Help with Photosynthesis Coursework

Looking for ideas for your photosynthesis coursework writing? This article is written with the aim to help with writing your photosynthesis coursework. In addition to the free coursework excerpt below this page, you will find many coursework writing tips. It is very easy to write good coursework with our help!  Moreover, if you have no time to write your coursework and seek professional coursework writing help, you should try our coursework writing services.  Our writers are educated and possess profound coursework writing skills.  We offer the following guarantees:

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Photosynthesis Coursework Sample

All plants need nitrogen, yet the vast pool of nitrogen gas in the air is not available to many higher plants. They can use only nitrogen compounds such as ammonia. Lower forms of plant life, such as blue-green algae, pave the way for the growth of higher plants by producing ammonia from nitrogen of the air. Blue-green algae enrich rice fields, fertilizing this crop free of charge.

When a volcanic island blows up and all life is destroyed, the first thing to establish itself after the island has cooled off are these pioneers, the blue-green algae. The ammonia they produce from the nitrogen of the air makes possible the subsequent growth of other plants. Even in Antarctica, blue-green algae carry on their work using the high-powered electrons made in photosynthesis.

In higher plants, the high-powered electron is used another way. Here, the reducing power of the electron is preserved in a compound known as triphosphopyridine nucleotide, or TPN, for short. TPN resembles the molecule of ATP. Both have the adenine base, both have ribose sugar, and both have phosphate. That is just the bulk of the molecule. The "business ends" of the two molecules differ greatly. ATP, as you will recall, has a high-energy phosphate bond (the coiled spring) at its end. TPN has a nicotinamide group with a positive charge at its end. This charge attracts the electron from photosynthesis. Ferredoxin, the electron carrier, hands over its charge to TPN. TPN then becomes negative and at the same time attracts a proton, forming TPNH, the reduced pyridine nucleotide. TPNH, in turn, can reduce other chemicals; for example, carbon dioxide to carbohydrate.

Now let us turn to another aspect of electron flow. The very fact that a potential difference exists and that electrons move implies that work can be done. Early physicists who studied electricity recognized the fact that electricity behaves much like water. Electric potential is very much like the potential of water locked in a lake high in the mountains. When allowed to run downhill, the water can do work: move heavy boulders, turn millwheels and electric generators. Similarly, when electrons run downhill they can do work. In the living cell, the most spectacular thing they do is operate the mechanism that produces ATP. This mechanism compresses the spring at the end of the ATP molecule when it puts a molecule of inorganic, free phosphate on the end of ADP (adenosine diphosphate). ADP has only two phosphate groups instead of the three of ATP.

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