APA Case Study


APA Case Study: APA Format

APA case study format (American Psychological Association) commonly used for citing resources within the social sciences.

APA Case Study: Tips

  • APA format case study should be typed with double-space. The paper should be standard-sized with 1" margins on all sides. Try to use 10-12 pt. Times New Roman font or a similar font.
  • Include a page header at the right top corner of every page. To create a page header put the page numbers in top right corner.
  • Your APA case study should include four major parts: the Title Page, Abstract, Main Body, and References.
  • The title page should have the title of your paper, the author's name, and the institutional affiliation.

APA Case Study: Structure

  • The introduction is one of the most important and hard parts of the analysis. While there is no special length requirements the goal of this section is to present the statement of the problem.
  • Literature and research review. Use references that fall within the 10-year period of acceptability.
  • Proposed plan of action. Clearly define the plan of action proposed to deal effectively with the major issues and problems of the case. This should involve a detailed, long-range plan and be presented in a comprehensive and understandable manner.
  • Discussion/Conclusion. This section allows the author to bring his own meaning to the analysis. Conclusions are drawn, implications presented, and further recommendations made.
  • In the reference section, list all documents introduced within the body of the case analysis. The list of sources is alphabetized and cited in accordance to form and style recommended by APA Manual.

Present your APA Case study from the perspective of a building principal. The analysis will include information regarding the superintendent, community members, staff and other stakeholders, but your plan should be focused on the role of the building principal.

Do not practice plagiarism. Not only is this illegal and unethical, but it also denies the readers of the analysis, the opportunity to learn of other sources of information. Keep in mind that plagiarism is ground for dismissal from the graduate school of education. But plagiarism does not mean that you can not consult with others, it simply means that the written work you submit must be your own and any material not your own must be cited appropriately using APA format.

Make sure that your work is appropriately proofed; check carefully, spelling, grammar, etc.

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